The B.O.D at A.A.I.C.W, have a obligation to act with integrity, it is our responsible for administering the day-to-day affairs of A.A.I.C.W, taking care of and maintaining A.A.I.C.W’s, facilities and properties, managing expenses as approved by the B.O.D, and performing such acts that may be necessary for achieving the goals, vision and overall objectives of A.A.I.C.W.
Qualifications: Members running for the office of the B.O.D must have adequate time (approx. 10-20 hours per week), dedication, and skills to be able to devote to the work in a volunteer capacity to fulfill the objectives. The members must exhibit necessary leadership and communication skills and a lack of desire for the title, but a strong desire for the work. The members must also have the ability to present ideas in a balanced and egalitarian way and maintain the ability to compromise when necessary.
Eligibility: Candidates for the Board of Directors must be: A) Good law-abiding legal resident and Muslims who believe in the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) as the last Prophet and his teachings as the guiding principles. B) General body member in good standing and active member of A.A.I.C.W
When the center was established, By-laws were created which guide and regulate the affairs of the center.
A.A.I.C.W, has Ten (10) Board of Directors and one Youth Coordinator (B.O.D) that are elected to office by the General Body members. The current Board of Directors elected are:
Whether you have a question, an inquiry, a comment or a request, we appreciate you taking the time to write. To contact the A.A.I.C.W Management team, email:
Example Text
Is one of our Hafiz, Jummah Lectures, Leads in prayer, Teaches in the religion of Islam, Teaches about Quran, dedicated to raising awareness about the Muslim community , the Islamic faith, and dispelling myths and stereotypes about Islam and Muslims, exposing Islamophobia, and providing information about our local Muslim community.
Is one of our Hafiz, Jummah Lectures, Leads in prayer, Teaches in the religion of Islam, Teaches about Quran, dedicated to raising awareness about the Muslim community , the Islamic faith, and dispelling myths and stereotypes about Islam and Muslims, exposing Islamophobia, and providing information about our local Muslim community.
Sahl ibn Sa’d reported: The Angel Gabriel came to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and he said, “O Muhammad, live as you wish, for you will surely die. Work as you wish, for you will surely be repaid. Love whomever you wish, for you will surely be separated. Know that the nobility of the believer is in prayer at night and his honor is in his independence of people.”
Source: al-Muʻjam al-Awsaṭ lil-Ṭabarānī 4278
Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Al-Albani
Please fill in the contact us to express interest in a special event or service opportunity. You will be contacted as soon as possible. Our mailing address and phone number are listed above: We want to hear from you! Our masjid is built on the individuals that make up our community.